Hi everyone, its only a few days since I posted my last short story, but really wanted to make this post now, while the memory is fresh in my head. Some of my regular readers (I still can't believe I have those) will remember a post a couple of months ago I made about my trip to
Sexhibition and the people I met that day. Well one of them, Princess Jessika was back in Manchester for a couple of days, and as i'm still fairly new to all of this I asked Mistress Courtney whether it would be ok if I went to see her, as the last thing I would want to do is run the risk of not being able to have more sessions with her. After I got a message back that it was ok I contacted Princess Jessika and we arranged a session.

This was the first time i've arranged to have a session after a shift at work, as my trips to the Stockport dungeon to see Mistress Courtney have all fell on my time off work or holiday time, but as I only had a short shift it was fine, although I can't say I was concentrating too hard on work in the morning *blushes* Anyways after I finished work I got home and started to get myself ready, i.e shower, shave etc and also put a bag together with a few of my girly things i'd been instructed to take. Then after getting my final directions I set off on the drive to Manchester, with a sense of nerves i've not felt since my very first session. Then a sense of frustration trying to navigate the city centre with a sat-nav that kept turning off on me. Anyways I parked up in a multi story car park and got in touch. Then composed myself with a drink of water, and made my way on foot to the location (I had a paranoid feeling about being mugged for my bag which the contents would have definitely given someone a surprise). I got there and was directed up to a penthouse suite, (thats definitely a first for me) and greeted by Princess, she gave me the guided tour before we sat on a balcony and had a chat, first about sexhibition and how I have been since then, then onto things like limits etc. And I was given a safeword structure, and asked if I was worried and nervous, when I said yes, she laughed and said good! We went back inside the apartment and I was instructed to show her what I had brought which seemed to go down well. All of a sudden the session started with a vengeance as I was ordered to strip and put on the stockings, then the dress, which is this one in the picture above to the right. Princess then applied my makeup after going through the bag, and I proceeded to have a very humiliating time. As always i'll keep most of the details to myself, but in the time I had to dance and mime to a very embarrasing song. I was spanked and paddled, tickled quite mercilessly, seemingly endlessly humiliated and I can't believe i'm admitting this but there was something with a pink strap-on, and lots of threats of public humiliation,I know i drifted into my headspace as I always seem to do and time totally flew. At the end of the session I was instructed to leave the stockings on and change my panties. Before dressing over the top of it. We then had another chat before I left to bring me back to planet Earth I guess but also feel like I learned a lot just from that chat about both myself and the world of kink too. I was also given a couple of instructions. And had some pictures took that Princess Jessika said she would send to me.

I then had the walk to my car, with an experience with a couple of crackheads in the multi story car park stairwell, followed by rush hour traffic on the way home, and I never stopped smiling once. Spent most of yesterday evening led relaxing and aching, listening to
secret102.com and drifting in and out of my fantasies again, I do know that i'm effectively on a cumban again now though, which makes the ache feel so much more intense.

Once again I felt totally humiliated and embarrassed, i've actually been wondering today if a setting can actually influence the amount of humiliation you can feel. I mean, with this session being in a luxury penthouse apartment, did that add to the feeling of humiliation? Especially seeing as its not what you would usually expect to happen in a place like that, whereas in a dungeon somehow you expect it, maybe its just my head wondering, or maybe there is something in it? I definitely know after yesterday i've never been in any less doubt that I dont even have an excuse for a manhood, its too small for even that *blushes* and that when a dominant lady plays with my head I melt, gosh damn I melt.
Anyways I guess i've rambled on for long enough now but as always feel free to chat to me on
Cinnamon xxx
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