Saturday, 30 January 2016

Sissy photo competition

hi everyone,
 Its definitely been a different sort of week for me.  Work has been back with a vengeance of bureaucracy, self important "managers" without a clue how their teams are running, so my escape at home into my Sissy self has been a great way of forgetting how real life can kinda suck

I was on twitter the other afternoon when I saw a tweet about a "Sissy Photo Competition" a Mistress from a fairly nearby city was running, and clicked on her blog to read more.  I was intrigued and sent an email off to see if I could enter this sexy sissy competition.  I also sent one to the MeanGirls of course.  It wasn't long before I heard back from Mistress Maya saying yes she liked my pic and that i'd be entered.  Part of me got such a thrill inside from that.  This is the pic that I sent in for her

It was a day or two later that a post came up on Mistress Maya's twitter account @MistressMayaMCR that voting for the competition had started, with a link to her blog to see the four finalists she had selected.  There was also a twitter poll, which was interesting as you could see how the votes were going throughout the voting period.  I really wasnt sure what to expect.  But found after a while I was getting some votes which really made me tingle.  This was only the weds afternoon and votes were open until lunchtime on friday.  I found myself checking a few times on thursday and felt so lucky, as me and another finalist were pretty much neck and neck, I really wasn't expecting that at all.  I know I was being asked at work why I was so happy, (I just couldn't say the real reason *blushes*)  I checked in a few times through the day although work was hectic, and went to work on friday with the scores still pretty much tied.  Imagine my amazement when I turned my phone on after work to find out I had actually won!  I was so excited, and at first could not believe it.  I started getting notifications on twitter off people congratulating me which made me tingle.  I was totally in my own little sissy subspace world last night.  I felt so girly and the nice comments were a totally unexpected surprise

More details of the competition are on Mistress Maya's blog on her web page

It was great fun, and i'd like to say how lucky I feel to have been allowed to enter, and to win felt amazing so thank you anyone who sees this who voted xxx

This weekend is also going to be a special weekend, tomorrow night it will be 6 months since I first called the MeanGirls.  So now i'm home from work and a family meal I'm pretty much going to spend the rest of the weekend in sissy mode, if I can get my makeup like it is in the above pic i'll be sooooo happy, hopefully tomorrow I'll get to call the MeanGirls, but already know i'll be listening to their audios throughout the day, i've missed their awesome laugh so much.  I'm half trying to think of some humiliation ideas I can do throughout the day just to make the cravings more intense *blushes*

Anyway, thank you for reading, I know this has been a different type of blog than usual, I hope anyone who reads it has enjoyed it, and feel free to catch me on twitter

Cinnamon xx

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